real world impact
real world impact

Since 2002, UBC’s Campus as a Living Lab has been providing demonstrated, innovative solutions to global sustainability issues – facilitating learning opportunities, knowledge exchange & dissemination that impact real world practice and policy.

About Campus as a Living Lab

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Our values

Our work is guided by a set of core values, in addition to the values laid out in UBC’s Strategic Plan, Shaping the Next Century. 

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1. Sustainability

We support and develop projects that contribute to ecological, social and economic sustainability, address the climate and biodiversity crises, and are aligned with the long-term strategic vision for the UBC campus and its community.

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2. Equity and Inclusion

Demonstration of innovation in physical or social systems that seeks to strengthen their capacity to withstand and adapt to paradigm-altering shocks, such as climate change, global pandemics, natural disasters, automation and job loss, etc.

3. Transparency

We build collaborations and partnerships through clear and open processes, and ensuring fair, ethical, consensual and transparent engagement.

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4. Collaborative Learning

We embrace participatory and reciprocal ways of learning and sharing knowledge, reflective of the different communities, knowledge systems and experiences of those engaged in our projects. 

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Have an idea to advance sustainability? Looking for an opportunity to get involved?