Programs and Initiatives

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Catalyzing innovation

Campus as a Living Lab has been an approach to innovation and applied research at the UBC since the mid-2000's. Over 20 years, living lab projects have taken on a variety of forms and today many programs across the university engage in living lab research and activities.


Innovation UBC builds on UBC’s experience and expertise. This network involves multiple units and teams and expands the range of assistance for UBC researchers, scholars and their partners to generate social and economic impacts in B.C. and around the world.

Data & Technology

The Centre for Sustainable Food Systems at UBC Farm (CSFS) is a teaching and research centre and local-to-global food hub working towards a more sustainable, food-secure future.

Production, Consumption & Waste

The Social Ecological Economic Development Studies (SEEDS) Sustainability Program is run by Sustainability and Engineering in Campus and Community Planning.

Ecological Systems