CLL Competition: $750k in funding coming this fall
The Sustainability Hub is excited to announce the return – and scaling up – of the Campus as a Living Lab (CLL) Competition for 23-24.
UBC’s Campus as a Living Lab (CLL) is a collaborative framework for researchers, students, staff and external partners to leverage the campus to explore, develop and test new ideas, and to share the knowledge gained from these experiences.
This year, the CLL Fund Competition will provide seed funding for innovative projects that take action in the climate emergency. The funding will include:
- $500,000 for the UBC Vancouver Campus, distributed as funding for two (2) projects of $250,000 each
- $100,000 for one project at the UBC Okanagan Campus (UBCO will provide $150,000 through the annual CLL Fund Competition)
The CLL Grand Challenge 2023 is supported by annual Campus Living Lab Funds, and a one-time gift from the UBC President’s Priority Fund.
A Notice of Intent is due on September 28, 2023, with full applications due in November.
Funding focus: UBC’s Climate Emergency Response
The CLL Grand Challenge invites applicants to envision a future BC and Canada, responding and adapting to the climate emergency, and activating the role that UBC can play in realizing this future in our communities, cities, and regions. UBC’s Strategic Plan encourages the creation of vibrant, sustainable environments that enhance wellbeing and excellence for people in their places at UBC and beyond, a goal which is challenged by climate change.
CLL Projects are co-developed by interdisciplinary academic-operational teams, and must have a faculty and staff lead.
Proposals must explicitly connect to at least one recommendation in the UBC 2021 Climate Emergency Task Force Report:

Within the climate emergency framing, project focus areas should be based on expertise and aligned with strategic value for UBC and the region.
For more information, please visit CLL Grand Challenge 2023.